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The Secret to Making a Narcissist Panic

Do you want to know what the secrets are to making a narcissist panic? So first of all, let’s dive into what causes a narcissist to panic. First, it’s important to understand what a narcissist truly is. A narcissist is someone who lacks an internal sense of value, and instead, relies solely on external validation, which we call narcissistic supply. This means that they require constant praise, attention, and admiration from others to feel worthy or important. If you want to learn more about narcissistic supply, there’s a video available that can provide additional information.

To better understand their behavior, consider the analogy of a hollow chocolate Easter bunny. On the outside, a narcissist may appear attractive and impressive, but on the inside, there is nothing substantial. They attempt to compensate for their lack of self-worth by accumulating external validation and material possessions. They feed off of the energy of others, draining them of their emotional resources in order to build themselves up. However, despite their efforts, a narcissist can never be truly fulfilled or satisfied.

Narcissists have no inner sense of value and rely on external sources to derive their worth, which is known as “narcissistic supply”. They view every person and situation as an opportunity to obtain this supply, and will do so in any possible way. Despite their need for attention and adulation, they are unable to feel fulfilled or satisfied. This is because they are living a double life, where they protect their inner, scared child while projecting a false image of themselves to the world. To make a narcissist panic, one must consider what provides them with narcissistic supply, which can be anything from compliments to control and intimidation. Narcissists will try to goad and trigger others to engage with them, but by not giving them the reaction they want, they may start to panic and wonder why they are not getting their usual supply.

Dealing with a narcissist can be a challenging experience that requires careful planning and execution. The first secret to making them panic is to stop interacting with them, at least on an emotional level, as this denies them the attention and conflict they crave. This approach helps prevent the narcissist from using your emotions against you, and it can also help you maintain your own mental and emotional health.

In addition to ceasing emotional interaction, strategic retaliation is another useful tactic. One effective way to retaliate is to target a source of narcissistic supply that holds greater significance to the narcissist than making your life miserable. By doing so, you can create a sense of loss or threat that can motivate the narcissist to back off.

Acting indifferent to the narcissist’s behavior and feigning disinterest is another effective tactic. Narcissists tend to act like temperamental toddlers, and when they realize they are not getting what they want, they tend to give up. Pretending not to care about the narcissist’s antics can sometimes lead to them losing interest in their attempts to manipulate and control you.

Setting strong boundaries and maintaining no contact with the narcissist is crucial in handling them effectively. This approach helps protect you from further harm and creates a sense of distance between you and the narcissist. By following these steps, you can handle a narcissist and create leverage in negotiations. However, it is important to remember that dealing with a narcissist can be a long and challenging process that requires patience, persistence, and a commitment to your own well-being.

I strongly recommend that you do it because not only will it cause the narcissist to go crazy and panic, but it will also benefit your mental well-being and inner peace.

If you are getting ready to negotiate with a narcissist, make sure to grab my free ‘Crush My Negotiation Prep Worksheet’ at winmynegotiation.com. It has 15 pages, it’s totally free. I’ve had people win their entire negotiations just on my free worksheet. Some people think I’m giving away too much, but that’s okay. I want to make sure that there are lots and lots of free stuff out there for you to use. So go to winmynegotiation.com and grab it. Also, join me in my free private Facebook group at ‘Narcissist Negotiators with Rebecca Zung.’ Love to see you in there as well. And remember that today is a great day to start negotiating your best life. Wherever you are now is the jumping off point. You don’t need to worry about what happened in the past or where you are. If you’re too far behind, start now, start today. You can do this, you got this!

Remember that there is no better day than TODAY to start negotiating your best life! Believe in yourself that you can WIN this and you will keep SLAYING them no matter the situation is. They only win if you give in. So don’t you ever give up!

For more ways to shift the power dynamic against the narcissist in your life check out my free master class right here: http://icanslay.com

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