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Super Sneaky Manipulators Use THESE Highly Toxic Tactics to Hijack Your Mind Without You Ever Know

In this article, I’m going to shed light on some insidious tactics toxic individuals use to control your mind without you even realizing it. By understanding these tactics, you’ll be able to spot them from a distance. Now, let’s explore how these toxic individuals hijack your mind.

Identifying Pattern Interruption
Toxic individuals employ a technique called pattern interruption, which disrupts your established thought process. It’s like a mental speed bump that stops you from thinking straight. This disruption is a form of control that takes away your power. Think of it as behavioral traffic, causing you to lose your train of thought and making it challenging to express yourself.

Pattern interruption can manifest in various ways. They might interrupt you as you speak or accuse you of interrupting them, even when you haven’t. They might claim you’re raising your voice when you’re not. They might consistently divert the conversation off-topic or throw you off by giving you a seemingly innocent compliment while derailing your train of thought.

Understanding the Impact
These tactics, over time, lead to cognitive dissonance, which is feeling utterly confused. Toxic individuals use this to manipulate your mind to the point where you doubt your own thoughts and perceptions. They undermine your confidence in your own senses, leaving you unsure of your own reality. This relentless manipulation can even cause complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD), which is a result of prolonged exposure to emotional trauma.
People with CPTSD experience sleep disturbances, emotional regulation issues, and difficulty with daily tasks. This constant pattern interruption can cause you to feel mentally weak, making negotiations with these individuals feel overwhelmingly challenging.

Dealing with Pattern Interruption
When faced with pattern interruption, it’s crucial to stand firm and maintain your boundaries. Don’t let them control the conversation. If they continue to interrupt, calmly assert that you won’t continue until they’re ready to have a respectful conversation. Your boundaries matter, and you don’t have to engage in a conversation where your voice is stifled.

Remember, toxic individuals thrive on disrupting your thought process to gain control. By standing your ground and refusing to let them divert the conversation, you take back your power. Together, we can navigate the challenges they throw our way and emerge stronger.

In conclusion, toxic individuals use pattern interruption to manipulate your mind and control the conversation. By recognizing these tactics and asserting your boundaries, you can regain control and stand firm in your power. Don’t let them disrupt your thoughts; instead, focus on negotiating your best life.
Remember, toxic individuals can only win if you give in – and you don’t need to. With the right support and knowledge, you can stand against them and reclaim your power. I’ll catch you in the next article.

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