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Free to Be with Shirin Etessam and Rebecca Zung on Negotiate Your Best Life #386

Shirin has been a storyteller her life; through films, TV shows, and branded content. After a major life event a decade ago. Shirin began a long, deep, and meaningful journey within herself. She wanted to know why it was that with all her earthly gains, she was still discontent and constantly grasping at external goals; whether it be a romantic partner, a new home, a new title, etc. For a very long time she believed that life’s magic was elsewhere and if she could just find it and attach herself to it somehow, then she would be happy. Shirin has come to learn that a life goal of “happiness” is not only unrealistic and futile but it could (and did) lead to a life of doubt, worry, envy, frustration, and discontent. It took her six years of deep soul work to realize that the magic she was seeking elsewhere was begging to be found within herself. People say, “follow your bliss” but she wanted to know HOW. So she wrote the book she wished she had when at a major crossroad and when she was on her knees. She condensed her six years of soul work into a simple six week process that anyone can do anywhere. Consider it a “HOW to follow your bliss” which is sitting deep within your soul, waiting to be found.

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