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How to Use Your Divorce As An Opportunity for a New Life

How to Use Your Divorce As An Opportunity for a New Life

1.   Forgiveness – forgiveness is for YOU and not for anyone else – the other person doesn’t even need to know that you’ve forgiven them.  But you don’t want to be drinking poison on a daily basis and expecting the other person to feel the results.

2.   Finding Your Passion – find something that you are excited about and think forward about that.  Dedicate your life and yourself to it – whatever it is.

3.   Forget the Past.   Focus on the Future.   Do not, I repeat, do not dwell on the past – or what could have been – or the wrongs that have been done to you – or whether someone got a better deal than you – or whatever it is that you cannot change anyway.   You can change the course of your life now – this moment.   Focus on that.   Decide what it is that you want and create that.   Anything else is a waste of the precious little amount of time you have on this planet.

I give tips, tricks and divorce secrets every day.   If you enjoyed this, please head on over to my youtube channel and hit subscribe.    Also please check out www.breakingfreefromdivorce.com for ways to be supported in your divorce.  I am also giving away my bestselling divorce book, Breaking Free:  A Step-by-Step Divorce Guide to Achieving Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Freedom, right now.   Just cover a small shipping and handling fee and relief will be delivered right to your mailbox.

Remember you’re just one step away from your new life.   Together, we’ve got this.

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