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How to Get Your Spouse Out of the House

Thursday Divorce Thoughts:   04122018

Today’s Topic:  How to Get Your Spouse Out of the House.

1. Domestic violence. If there is a case for domestic violence, bringing an action and asking for an injunction for protection is the fastest path to bouncing your spouse from the house. There are risks with this – because if it backfires and you don’t get the injunction, your soon-to-be ex will feel emboldened and things could get worse.  So if you choose this route, you better be sure it will work.

2. In a Divorce Action:  In the divorce action, you can ask the judge to award you exclusive occupancy.  If there are kids involved and you can prove it isn’t great for the kids to have you both there, that will help.   It will also help if you can show that your spouse has another place to go and that another spouse can easily be afforded.

3. Simply changing the locks. This is not the preferred method and can be a crapshoot. The cops might allow your spouse back in – and the judge may look upon your “self-help” method unfavorably. But certainly this is your choice to take this option at your own risk.

I give tips, tricks and divorce secrets every day.   If you enjoyed this, please head on over to my youtube channel and hit subscribe. Also please check out https://www.breakingfreefromdivorce.com for ways to be supported in your divorce. I am also giving away my bestselling divorce book, Breaking Free:  A Step-by-Step Divorce Guide to Achieving Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Freedom, right now.   Just cover a small shipping and handling fee and relief will be delivered right to your mailbox.

Thanks for joining me today. I will see tomorrow for Family Law Secrets Friday – where I will discuss How to Deal with Dividing Your House in Divorce.

Until then, remember you’re just one step away from your new life.   Together, we’ve got this.

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