How to Beat a Narcissist in Court
Are you engaged in a legal battle with a narcissist? The first thing you should know is that this will not be a typical court case.
In the case of divorce, a typical settlement often costs about $15,000. But if you’re facing off against a narcissist, it’s not unusual for the cost to be upwards of $60,000. And that’s to say nothing of the time your case will take. Divorce cases involving narcissists typically drag on for three times as long as other divorce cases. We’ve seen some last for years!
If you want to beat a narcissist in court, you need to take a very deliberate, strategic approach, and I can show you how.
Why Should I Trust Rebecca Zung to Help Me Beat a Narcissist in Court?
I have been a high-net-worth divorce litigation attorney since 1999, and more than half of my thousands of cases have involved high-conflict individuals. I spent years studying narcissists so I could beat them in court. I learned what fueled them, how they react in certain situations, and how to get the upper hand in negotiations with them.
I developed procedures and processes that worked every time, and I am devoted to sharing them with people like you. I know the drama, trauma, and chaos that narcissists cause, and my primary focus is to help people break free from it.
I do this through her courses, daily YouTube content, and her “Negotiate Your Best Life” podcast (which is among the world’s top .5% of most-listened-to podcasts). I also empower people through my books: “Negotiate Like You M.A.T.T.E.R.: The Sure Fire Method to Step Up and Win” and “Breaking Free: A Step-by-Step Divorce Guide for Achieving Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Freedom.”
I stand ready to teach you how to beat a narcissist in court and put you on a path to greater freedom, possibility, prosperity, and purpose.
What’s Different About a Legal Case Involving a Narcissist?
Narcissists don’t fight fair, and they won’t back down until they get what they want. They want full control of and power over the situation, and they want to come off looking like the good guy (or gal) every time. While the drama of a protracted legal battle is wearing everyone else down, they are thriving on it.
To beat a narcissist in court, you have to be very strategic. You have to find ways to make them feel like they are getting what they want in order to get what you want. You have to stand in your power and negotiate firmly in order to shift the power dynamic. If you don’t do this, you are in for a long, ugly court battle that will drain your finances and emotional strength.
Won’t My Lawyer Take Care of This?
Your lawyer serves as your expert on divorce law and presents the evidence and facts as he or she knows them. It is up to you to provide your lawyer with the evidence and facts that will win or lose your case. Do not be a passive bystander to your own legal case. You must take an active role.
What Are Some of the Secrets to Winning Against a Narcissist?
My courses will teach you how to beat a narcissist in court and arm you with actionable, tried-and-true strategies. Some of these strategies include:
Documenting Everything
This means creating an email trail with time stamps or keeping correspondence in a co-parenting app. Narcissists will twist the truth at every opportunity, but your documentation can prove what was actually said and done.
Narcissists want to look good, but if you can present evidence of all of the times they’ve behaved badly, you can start to drain their supply (their desire to look good and in control) and trap them.
Hang Onto Your Leverage
If you have damning evidence that is going to take down the narcissist, don’t give it away early. Counsel with your attorney and hold onto your leverage until it will have the most impact for your case.
Video Tape Legal Proceedings (if Possible)
The court reporter will take down words, but they won’t capture the narcissist’s body language—their eye rolls, smirks, and dirty looks.
Keep Your Emotions in Check
When a narcissist spouts an outrageous lie, it might take everything you have not to erupt. But if you react with emotion, you will look bad in court and feed the narcissist’s supply. (They love the drama of an emotional response).
Do not make eye contact with the narcissist. Stay calm and steady and keep your eyes focused on the judge. Do all the venting you want when you’re in private, but keep it together in court.
Do Your Research
This might include getting property valuations, a lifestyle analysis, or appraisals of shared assets. You might need to hire a forensic accountant to investigate finances and find assets the narcissist may be hiding.
Don’t wing anything. Got to court prepared with everything you might need to bolster your case and discredit the narcissist.
Think like the narcissist’s legal team. They will seize on any perceived weakness. What leverage could they dredge up to use against you? Be prepared to counter it.
A big part of this is being honest with your attorney. If you behaved badly in your interactions with the narcissist, let the judge know. For example, maybe the narcissist’s tactics made you so mad you keyed their car. Or maybe you felt horrible and trapped in your relationship and had an emotional affair with someone at work.
The narc’s team will undeniably bring these things up and use them to ensnare you. Your attorney needs to know everything so they can help you defend yourself appropriately.
Focus on Your Own Case
The flip side of this is that you don’t want to become so invested in anticipating what the other side is doing that you neglect your own case. Sports matches aren’t won through defense alone, and neither are legal cases.
You need to go on the offensive and create leverage to bring down the narcissist. You need to gather all the evidence you can to destroy their credibility.
Unless you work in the legal world, you probably haven’t spent a lot of time in the courtroom. But practice can make perfect. Block out time with your attorney to practice your direct testimony and cross-examination.
My courses will go in-depth on all of these steps and others. They will give you examples, worksheets, trackers, and AI-assisted technology to help you anticipate and prepare for the opposing side’s legal maneuvers. They will guide you in gathering the best evidence to take down the narc.
My courses will help you find the best attorney to represent you. They will teach you to assume a position of power by giving you specific phrases to disarm the narcissist. They will even help you use your body language to command the upper hand.
How Long Will These Courses Take?
You can view most of my courses in several hours or less. Beyond that, you’ll be spending time on things you should be doing anyway to prepare your legal case, but my courses will help you work more efficiently and effectively. You’ll spend time on the things that are most likely to help you win against the narcissist.
What Do I Risk if I Can’t Reach an Agreement out of Court?
When you are in mediation with a narcissist, things can escalate and turn toxic very quickly. They may manipulate, twist the facts, gaslight, play the victim, and accuse you of ridiculous things. This can sandbag mediation. But if you go to court, you hand over your fate to a judge, who could fall for the narcissist’s lies and manipulations.
The ideal solution is to learn to negotiate with a narcissist so that you can work out an agreement outside of court. This might involve strategically giving the narcissist enough of the things they want so that they feel like they have won. In the meantime, you can make sure you get the things that matter most to you.
If you know how to turn the tables when mediating with a narcissist, you can increase your chances of settling outside of court and ensuring the best outcome for you.
Do I Really Stand a Chance Against a Narcissist?
Yes! Using my proven methods, I have taught many thousands of people to win against narcissists. When you start standing up to a narcissist with effective boundaries and strategies, the narcissist will begin to fear you. In fact, they will become more afraid of you than you are of them. You can flip the power dynamic.
With the right skills, you can push the appropriate levers to make them believe they are getting what they want while you get exactly what you want. If you follow my processes and use my resources, you will have the tools to beat the narcissist in your life.
Will I Learn How to Beat a Covert Narcissist in Court?
Covert narcissists are a special breed. They are often more introverted than overt narcissists. They may not come off as the biggest presence in the room, but inside, their motives are the same as any narcissist. They want power, praise, and admiration and will take advantage of others for personal gain.
Covert narcissists may be more sensitive to criticism and more self-deprecating in order to get attention. They tend to be passive-aggressive and focused on getting revenge on those who have wronged them. They may seem to show empathy for others but their goal is to look good to others. If they don’t get the praise they think they deserve for their efforts, they may grow bitter and resentful.
If you’re wondering how to divorce a covert narcissist or win a legal case against a covert narcissist who is a business partner, employer, family member, etc., my programming is for you. I will give you the resources you need to understand the covert narcissist and take them down. I will help you avoid walking into their traps and empower you to stand up to their passive-aggressive, manipulative techniques.
Is This Just for Divorces?
While many people seek guidance from me about how to divorce a narcissistic husband or wife and win, my courses help with more than just divorce. Narcissists are present in many areas of life. You may find yourself working with a narcissistic business partner (I have been there), boss, or parent. They can make your life hell, and, in some instances, their manipulation or underhanded tactics may necessitate a legal case.
Regardless of your relationship to the narc, my programs will teach you how to defend yourself against a narcissist in court.
How Do I Find the Right Lawyer?
If a lawyer hasn’t faced off against a narcissist in court, they may not know what they’re up against. They will likely rely on their usual tools, but these tools won’t work against a narcissist.
Remember, a narcissist wants something different out of a legal battle than your average person. They want—they need—to feed their supply. Their supply may be power, praise, or prestige. These are their drugs, and they’ll go to great lengths to get them.
The narcissist wants to dominate every situation, and they want to look like the hero while they’re doing it. They will lie and manipulate to get their way.
You need to find an attorney who knows how to manipulate the manipulator to get you what you want while simultaneously making the narcissist feel like they’re getting what they want.
My SLAY® Your Negotiation With a Narcissist program includes a BEST Lawyer Triple Threat Package. This package contains all the resources you need to find lawyers near you who have experience with narcissists. It comes with questions for vetting potential attorneys. It also includes a “Make My Lawyer My Ally” Packet to help you supply your lawyer with all of the information he or she will need to build an airtight legal case against the narcissist.
How Do I Get Started?
Check out my courses and choose the one that’s best for you. SLAY® Your Negotiation With a Narcissist is a great place to start and sets you up for success in mediation and the courtroom.
If you’re specifically focused on how to beat a narcissist in divorce court, my “Breaking Free From Divorce” masterclasses and “SLAY the Narcissist in Family Court” courses will set you up for success with child custody, property division, alimony, child support, and more.