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Gaining the Upper Hand: Negotiating Strategies for Dealing with Narcissists

If you want to gain the upper hand when dealing with a narcissist in any kind of negotiation, then you’re in the right place. I’m here to spill the tea on how I handle these tricky situations. I will share with you my secrets on how to shift the power dynamic when dealing with narcissists. I want to help you reclaim your power, shut down their manipulation, and grab that upper hand so you can finally take back your life and break free from their influence.

So, let’s dive into the world of negotiating with narcissists. They’re a unique challenge because they can be incredibly charming and manipulative. You might not even realize you’re dealing with one until you’re in too deep. It’s like that old roach motel ad – you walk in, and it’s hard to get out.

But fear not! I’ve got the “SLAY” method to help you escape the roach motel. Negotiating with a narcissist is different from dealing with rational folks. They don’t play by the same rules. They have no boundaries, and their emotional reactions can be wildly disproportionate.

When a narcissist feels threatened, they’ll do almost anything to take you down. It can get pretty messy. They might even harm themselves in the process. But that’s where my strategies come in.

First, it’s crucial to set clear boundaries from the get-go. Don’t fall for their initial charm. Emotional reactions are their playground, so avoid them. Don’t defend yourself; it’s a trap. Have a plan, a scope, and an agenda. Think of it as ethically manipulating the manipulator.

Effective communication is key. Stay focused, know your goals, and use “I” statements. Don’t get triggered – let their words just slide by. Think of them as a toddler throwing a tantrum. And never forget to have a positive affirmation handy to boost your confidence.

Remember, they only win if you give in. Today is a great day to start negotiating your best life, and I’ll see you in the next one.

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