Free Resources to Get you Started on your Empowerment Journey
Lawyers Who Specialize in Narcissistic Abuse
If you’re going up against a narcissist in a legal case, buckle up. This is not going to be a normal case.
How to Beat a Narcissist in Court
Are you engaged in a legal battle with a narcissist? The first thing you should know is that this will not be a typical court case.
Expose the Narcissist in Court – Insider Attorney Secrets to Win
Beaten-down, frustrated and crazed when interacting with the narcissist in your life? Watch our 4-step proven plan to take back our power.
Divorce Diet Affirmations
Rebecca Zung. Esq. and Caroline Cederquist MD teach you how to have self care during your divorce through their Divorce Diet™.
Grab Your Slay at a Glance Chart
Get your own FREE Slay at a Glance Chart to have at your fingertips to instantly smack down that Narcissist in any Negotiation!
Grab Your Doc The Narc Checklist
Document The Narcissist’s Activities the Right Way By Having This Checklist at Your Fingertips! Know the exact ways to document the Narcissist to build your magic bullet leverage against them!