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4 Things a Narcissist NEVER Gets Over

4 Things a Narcissist NEVER Gets Over

There are some things that a narcissist just don’t get over, and I’m going to share those with you right here, right now. So when you go to negotiate with a narcissist or deal with one, it’s important to know what to avoid if you want to steer clear...
How Narcissists Turn Your Friends and Family Against You

How Narcissists Turn Your Friends and Family Against You

Today we’re diving into a crucial topic – how narcissists use flying monkeys to turn the world against you. If you’ve ever felt isolated, overwhelmed, or unfairly targeted, you’re not alone. Let’s break down how they orchestrate this...
How Narcissists Train You to Suppress

How Narcissists Train You to Suppress

Hey there, it’s Rebecca Zung, and today I want to dive deep into a topic that affects many of us – how narcissists use various manipulation tactics to train you to suppress your feelings. It’s a subtle art form, and I’m here to shed some light...
One Question That Causes a Narcissist Collapse

One Question That Causes a Narcissist Collapse

Do you want to know a question that’s going to set up a narcissist for collapse? I understand you might think narcissists never collapse—they seem so strong and powerful. Many people have expressed that belief to me. However, it’s not necessarily true, and...
How to Divorce a Narcissist & WIN

How to Divorce a Narcissist & WIN

Are you divorcing a narcissist and afraid you’re not going to win? I’m Rebecca Zung, Top 1% Divorce Attorney, and the bestselling author of the books, Negotiate Like You Matter, Breaking Free: A Step‑By‑Step Divorce Guide and SLAY the Bully. And I’ve...
Make Sure to Tell Your Lawyer This

Make Sure to Tell Your Lawyer This

Are you dealing with a narcissist in some kind of litigation where you have a lawyer involved? Well, stay tuned to find out what you should never say to your lawyer. Hi, I’m Rebecca Zung, and I have been recognized as one of the top attorneys in the country, and...
Its Not Fair! How to Overcome Dealing with This With Narcissists

Its Not Fair! How to Overcome Dealing with This With Narcissists

It’s not fair! Oh my gosh, if I had a dollar for every time a client said this to me during my career as a lawyer, I might not be working anymore. But today, we’re going to talk about how to deal with that feeling of “it’s not fair.” In...
Here’s How a Super Empath Can Destroy a Narcissist

Here’s How a Super Empath Can Destroy a Narcissist

So how can Empath do that? Because narcissists seem like they’re the superpower, they’re the strong ones. That is not true. First of all, here’s something that I have said over and over again: narcissists are actually way more afraid of you than you...
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