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Shut Down The Narcissist’s Smear Campaign

Shut Down The Narcissist’s Smear Campaign

The narcissist’s smear campaign nearly always occurs right before or during the discard phase. If you are in the discard phase of a narcissistic relationship and want to prepare for what is yet to come or are in the midst of a full-blown smear campaign, you’re...
What Narcissists Cannot Control

What Narcissists Cannot Control

Narcissists spend an inordinate amount of time trying to control everything and everyone around them so that they can maintain a steady flow of narcissistic supply. Not only do they need control to obtain narcissistic supply – they also get narcissistic supply...
The Most Overlooked Symptom of Narcissism

The Most Overlooked Symptom of Narcissism

Narcissism is characterized by some of the worst personality traits that exist. When you think about narcissism or the narcissist in your life, there are several traits that usually come to mind. I want to go through them with you but then also talk about the most...
The Narcissist’s Most Potent Weapon

The Narcissist’s Most Potent Weapon

Narcissists seem to find the most inconspicuous things to use as weapons against their targets. Although the devaluing, the lack of empathy, the grandiosity, and other characteristics of narcissism are just awful – i find that their magical thinking is the most...
How Covert Narcissists Attack Their Victims

How Covert Narcissists Attack Their Victims

In my opinion, covert narcissists are the worst. The two narcissists in my life were covert narcissists. They are the ones that drove me to devoting my life to helping those who have suffered from a narcissistic relationship get out and move forward with their lives...
Mind Games that Narcissists Play

Mind Games that Narcissists Play

I know the mind games that narcissists play all too well. I’ve not only seen them, I’ve had to deal with them personally. Narcissists devalue their targets in so many ways but one of the ways that they maintain control over you is through the mind games...
When the Narcissist is Done with You

When the Narcissist is Done with You

If you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, you’ve been through the love bombing, you’ve been through the devaluing and you have either already been through the discard phase or better start preparing for it. If you’ve experienced the discard phase, you’re probably...
Why Narcissists Crave Conflict

Why Narcissists Crave Conflict

It seems as if narcissists actually crave conflict. I have taken on several cases where my clients had been working for years and years trying to settle their divorce or custody case. I actually did a survey of members in my community and found that a huge percentage...
Narcissistic Gaslighting Phrases

Narcissistic Gaslighting Phrases

Gaslighting is one of the narcissist’s go-to methods of devaluing. It’s a form of psychological manipulation where the narcissist tries to get control over others by making them question reality. It’s almost like they need to gaslight their targets....
Phrases To Shut Down Narcissists

Phrases To Shut Down Narcissists

Do you feel like it’s impossible to shut down the narcissist in your life? Do you feel like you are always the one being shut down? It is actually possible to shut them down. Remember that a narcissist wants to control you to obtain the narcissistic supply that they...
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