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6 Ways to Get Out of the Holidaze and Back to Celebrating the Holidays

6 Ways to Get Out of the Holidaze and Back to Celebrating the Holidays

Happy Holidays, everyone! May all your days be merry and bright! “But Danielle, what if my days aren’t merry and bright?” you ask. Hey, that’s okay. I totally get that. The holidays come with lots of planning and traveling and buying and gifting and cooking and making...
6 Ways to Get Out of the Holidaze and Back to Celebrating the Holidays

Things You Should Never Say In a Negotiation with a Narcissist

Knowing Your Audience Sorry  You should never apologize while you are asking for something.  State what it is you are asking for.  Have your reasons.  Have sound reasons.  You should have done your research and have your arguments ready to go.   In a perfect world,...
6 Ways to Get Out of the Holidaze and Back to Celebrating the Holidays

A Secret Weapon to Catching Narcissists in Negotiations

Catch The Narcissist During a Negotiation Whether you’re dealing with a narcissist, or your neighbor, in any negotiation you really do want to have an overall strategy. That’s a given. While it may seem obvious to some, it isn’t obvious to most, that If you don’t know...
6 Ways to Get Out of the Holidaze and Back to Celebrating the Holidays

Living the Life of an Empath

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Empaths are those that not only notice, but also deeply understand and feel the emotions of other people. Empaths feel joy when others feel joy. They feel pain when others feel pain. Empaths are highly observant to their surrounding...
6 Ways to Get Out of the Holidaze and Back to Celebrating the Holidays

The Pursuit of “Happiness”

Find Your Happiness Welcome to the first issue of the NarcSlayer Newsletter! Since it is the first, I wanted to share something profound, but not too overpowering. I wanted to keep this article positive and productive — things I hope you all are currently trying...
6 Ways to Get Out of the Holidaze and Back to Celebrating the Holidays

Persuade People With Colors

Using Colors When preparing for a high stakes negotiation, you may be considering your research, your arguments, your leverage, your strategies and your tactics.   While all of those are critical to be pondering, there is another, perhaps less obvious but no less...
Do This Instead of Calling Out Narcissists

Do This Instead of Calling Out Narcissists

When you’re thinking about telling the narcissist that they’re a narcissist, please don’t do it. Do this instead. I have dealt with narcissists in my life, and a couple of them are very close to me. I know narcissists firsthand. Unfortunately,...
How do you uncover a covert narcissist?

How do you uncover a covert narcissist?

Coworkers and friends with narcissistic personalities are not always easy to identify as such. Their behavior or opinions may seem a little off, but everyone has their quirks. How can you tell if they truly are a narcissist? Find out below what traits our readers...
Working with a Narcissist? 13 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Working with a Narcissist? 13 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Mistake 1 – Call a narcissist a narcissist to their face Calling a narcissist a narcissist, no matter how true it may be, won’t help. Additionally, naming someone a narcissist is unprofessional unless you are a mental health practitioner who has been licensed...
How to Avoid Hiring a Narcissist

How to Avoid Hiring a Narcissist

How can you avoid hiring a narcissist if narcissists out-perform non-narcissists at job interviews? According to several studies published in business and psychology journals, narcissists receive more favorable hiring ratings from job interviewers than individuals who...