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The Only Type of Relationship That Will Work for Narcissists

The Only Type of Relationship That Will Work for Narcissists

Hey there, I’m Rebecca Zung, an attorney and a narcissist negotiation expert. I teach you how to shift the dynamic with narcissists so that you can become the more powerful one, finally break free, and live the life that you were meant to live. I’m going...
8 Ways Narcissists Sabotage Their Own Lives

8 Ways Narcissists Sabotage Their Own Lives

By Rebecca Zung, Esq. Hi! I’m Rebecca Zung, an attorney and narcissist negotiation expert. I’ve helped thousands of people break free from lives of drama, trauma, and chaos, to step into lives of freedom, possibility, and purpose. I want to help you do the...
6 Ways to Make a Narcissist Respect You

6 Ways to Make a Narcissist Respect You

Having dealt with narcissistic individuals in the past, I am well aware of the formidable task that it can be. Their absence of empathy, inclination to manipulate situations for personal gain, and tendency to avoid accountability can present major obstacles. A key...
4 Things That Hurt a Narcissist More Than Indifference

4 Things That Hurt a Narcissist More Than Indifference

By Rebecca Zung, Esq. I know you think that narcissists are hurt by indifference and that they could not stand being ignored, this is true, but I have something that will hurt them even more–things that drive them to the edge. Today, I will give you the four...
What is Narcissistic Baiting?

What is Narcissistic Baiting?

Baiting is a technique that all narcissists use to provoke a reaction from their victims. It is a way to get people reeled in. What they want is that hit or high. We call that narcissistic supply. It is a way of feeding their ego and feeding their need to feel...
Early Red Flags of Narcissists

Early Red Flags of Narcissists

Have you been in a relationship with a narcissist, or trying to get out of one? There are three major stages of narcissistic abuse. It starts with Love Bombing, then goes into Devaluing, and finally the Discard phase. In this article, we will go in-depth into the Love...
6 Little Known Narcissistic Manipulation Tactics

6 Little Known Narcissistic Manipulation Tactics

We all know that narcissists manipulate, but here are six manipulation tactics that they use that you might not be familiar with. I want to highlight 6 of these tactics so that when they try to pull this type of stunt on you, you will be able to spot it and shoot them...
When a Narcissist Realizes You Refuse to Be Controlled

When a Narcissist Realizes You Refuse to Be Controlled

I’m going to give you several things that happen when a narcissist realizes that you refuse to be controlled. First, narcissists need control because it protects their identities and their fragile egos. They are underneath very actually afraid of you....
Take Down the Narcissist Using this Magic Bullet (Leverage)

Take Down the Narcissist Using this Magic Bullet (Leverage)

Do you want to know what the Magic Bullet is when it comes to negotiating with a narcissist? When you are negotiating with a narcissist, it may feel impossible and seem like they always get away with things but when it seems like they do it is because we allow them...
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