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6 Gaslighting Phrases Narcissists Use When You Try to Leave Them

6 Gaslighting Phrases Narcissists Use When You Try to Leave Them

Are you dealing with a narcissist and you’re just getting into the phase when you’re getting ready to think about leaving that narcissist, or maybe that narcissist is leaving you, but you are trying to leave them and you are wondering what they’re...
6 Ways Narcissists Terrorize You in Cars

6 Ways Narcissists Terrorize You in Cars

Unfortunately, narcissists aren’t limited in their terrorizing tactics to just one area – they can also use cars as a weapon against their victims. Cars can become an extension of a narcissist’s control: whether by creating fear through threats and...
What Drives the Vindictive Narcissist?

What Drives the Vindictive Narcissist?

We all know that narcissists can be vindictive. This is apparent when we have fights with them and especially true in litigation. But have you ever wondered why they’re that way or what drives them to go crazy? In this article we’re going to talk about these and make...
Ways to Trick Narcissists

Ways to Trick Narcissists

Have you ever wondered how to trick a narcissist? Did you even think it was even possible? It definitely is. And by the end of this article, you’re going to know exactly how to trick narcissists. Okay, so let’s talk about ways to trick narcissists. It...
6 Signs a Narcissist Will Break

6 Signs a Narcissist Will Break

If you’ve ever been a victim of narcissistic abuse, then you know the heartache and betrayal that come when someone you trust breaks your trust. Narcissists often break promises and relationships for their own selfish needs and desires, leaving their victims feeling...
4 Secret Tactics Narcissists Use To Control and Dominate You

4 Secret Tactics Narcissists Use To Control and Dominate You

Are you aware of the tactics that narcissists use to manipulate, control, and dominate you? I want you to know what you’re dealing with. Knowledge is power. This is the first step. Getting some space between you and the narcissist and putting up boundaries is what you...
5 Stealth Ways Narcissists Control Conversations

5 Stealth Ways Narcissists Control Conversations

Are you dealing with a narcissist and you’re feeling like they just control the conversation and you just cannot get a word in edgewise? In this article, I’m going to reveal about the stealth ways that narcissists control conversations, maybe the ways that...
7 Narcissistic False Apologies

7 Narcissistic False Apologies

Have you ever had an apology, but the apology didn’t feel sincere? I’m going to show you exactly why those false apologies are so narcissistic and teach you how to handle them in the future. I’m an expert when it comes to identifying narcissistic...
Narcissist’s 5 Favorite Love Bomb Sayings

Narcissist’s 5 Favorite Love Bomb Sayings

I will be sharing with you the kind of things narcissists say when they’re preparing to Love Bomb you. So, if you suspect you’re in a relationship with one, this article will help you to take back control and shift the power dynamics, whether it’s romantic or...
5 Hidden Habits of Covert Narcissists

5 Hidden Habits of Covert Narcissists

Dealing with a covert narcissist is bad enough, but when they are hiding their habits from you, it is so much more disgusting and horrible. I’ve had to deal with a covert narcissist myself, not just one, but two, and I’m an attorney. So, I am going to be...
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