Rebecca Zung’s Insider Tips

All Narcissists End Up Losing
In today's article, we're delving into the intriguing question of whether narcissists, in the end,...

What Narcissists Hear When You Talk
Have you ever wondered what narcissists hear when you talk to them? It's like something comes out...

8 Comments That Reveal a Narcissist’s Lies
Narcissists lie, we know that for a fact, but how do you know that they're lying the minute...

5 Terrifying Ways Narcissists Manufacture Chaos to Bait and Provoke You
#1 . Baiting. They purposely instigate arguments, all the while portraying themselves as the...

5 Things That Will Make You Untouchable from A Narcissist
You want to be Untouchable to a narcissist? It's so time for you to stop them touching you and...

10 Empowering Strategies to Crush Workplace Bullying
1. Recognize the Signs. Workplace bullying is a distressing situation that can affect both our...

6 Things Narcissists Do at the End of a Relationship
Hi, I'm Rebecca Zung—an attorney, author, and expert in negotiating with narcissists. My expertise...

10 Words Narcissists Can’t Handle
As someone who has spent years studying narcissism and negotiating with narcissists, I've come to...

4 Ways Narcissists Build Trust
Have you found yourself unwittingly giving away more and more trust to a person while having no...
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How to Develop a Winning Mindset When Negotiating with a Narcissist
By Rebecca Zung, Esq. How to Develop a Winning Mindset When Negotiating with a Narcissist? Are you preparing to negotiate with a narcissist but struggling to cultivate a winning mindset? You’re not alone. Many people facing high-conflict personalities feel...
How Covert Narcissists Use Social Media to Manipulate Others
In today’s digital world, social media offers hundreds of opportunities for self-expression, connection, and inspiration. However, where there is light, there are also shadows—and covert narcissists lurking within the dark shadows of social media. Unlike typical...
Stop Being the Victim of a Narcissist’s Smear Campaign
If you’ve been in a relationship with a narcissist—whether that relationship is romantic, business, or familial—you know how exhausting it can be. Nothing you do is ever good enough, and many of the “compliments” you receive from them are actually thinly veiled...
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