Rebecca Zung’s Insider Tips
Working with a Narcissist? 13 Common Mistakes to Avoid
Mistake 1 - Call a narcissist a narcissist to their face Calling a narcissist a narcissist, no...
How to Avoid Hiring a Narcissist
How can you avoid hiring a narcissist if narcissists out-perform non-narcissists at job...
Can social media affect divorce proceedings?
If you have been or are going through a divorce, you know how complicated the situation can get....
8 Steps to Help A Child Navigate Divorce
The bad news is that divorce is traumatic for kids; the good news is that the impact depends on...
The Narcissist’s Most Dangerous Lie
Do you want to know what a narcissists' most dangerous lie is? It's not what you think. ...
Should I Hide Money Before Filing for Divorce?
If you are considering a divorce, financial questions might be some of your most pressing...
Life married to a narcissist is a life of suffering
In Viktor Frankl’s book MAN’S SEARCH FOR MEANING, he says, “Suffering ceases to be suffering at...
A Narcissist Likes to Control Our Thoughts. However…
Holocaust survivor and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl said, “Everyone has their own Auschwitz.” Those...
Should I Postpone Divorcing a Narcissistic Abuser for the Children’s Sake?
“Children are the best thing and the most impossible thing, but there’s nothing else. You have to...
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Exposed: 6 Shocking Things Every Narcissist Says!
Narcissists, oh boy, they love to talk, don't they? Today, I want to dive into the world of narcissists and share six things that you can always expect to hear from them. And guess what? I'm going to break it all down for you in this article. Now, let's dive into the...
5 Narcissism Code Words You Need to Know
Are you suspecting that your loved one might be a narcissist? If so, understanding the lingo used by those with narcissistic personality disorder is vital to identifying their unhealthy behavior patterns. Knowing which code words are shorthand for what they really...
5 Ways Narcissists Make You Feel Bad About Yourself
Narcissists love to make you feel bad about yourself, especially when you go into the discard phase. I'm going to walk you through the five main ways that a narcissist makes you feel bad about yourself. You're going to know exactly what they are, so you won't be able...
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