Rebecca Zung’s Insider Tips

What is Narcissistic Baiting?
Baiting is a technique that all narcissists use to provoke a reaction from their victims. It is a...

Early Red Flags of Narcissists
Have you been in a relationship with a narcissist, or trying to get out of one? There are three...

6 Little Known Narcissistic Manipulation Tactics
We all know that narcissists manipulate, but here are six manipulation tactics that they use that...

When a Narcissist Realizes You Refuse to Be Controlled
I'm going to give you several things that happen when a narcissist realizes that you refuse to be...

Take Down the Narcissist Using this Magic Bullet (Leverage)
Do you want to know what the Magic Bullet is when it comes to negotiating with a narcissist? When...

5 Things A Narcissist Won’t See Coming
#1 – How Their Own Behavior Ends Up Hurting Them in The Long Run They’re very short sighted in how...

4 Assumptions Narcissists Have About You
4 Assumptions Narcissists Have About You By Rebecca Zung, Esq. Do you want to know the top...

Narcissism 101: Word Salad
Have you ever of the term word salad when it comes to narcissists? Narcissists use a variety of...

Key Narcissist Gaslighting Phrases
Gaslighting is one of the narcissists’ favorite tricks and they use it a lot whether they’re...
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Decoding the Manipulative Phrases: Protecting Yourself from Narcissists
We’ve all been in a situation where someone has said something or done something that leaves us feeling hurt and confused. Maybe it’s a friend, family member, partner, romantic-interest, colleague - whatever the case may be - the way we felt after being manipulated...
Make Sure to Tell Your Lawyer This
Are you dealing with a narcissist in some kind of litigation where you have a lawyer involved? Well, stay tuned to find out what you should never say to your lawyer. Hi, I'm Rebecca Zung, and I have been recognized as one of the top attorneys in the country, and I...
Its Not Fair! How to Overcome Dealing with This With Narcissists
It's not fair! Oh my gosh, if I had a dollar for every time a client said this to me during my career as a lawyer, I might not be working anymore. But today, we're going to talk about how to deal with that feeling of "it's not fair." In this article, I'm going to...
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Outsmart The Narcissist
The Proven 4 Step Plan to Take Back Your Power