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9 Ways to Spot a Covert Narcissist

Dealing with a narcissist is incredibly draining. Whether you’re currently in a relationship with one or trying to heal from a past narcissistic relationship, you’re often left with deep emotional scars. While narcissists, in general, are a nightmare, covert...

How to Stay in Control With a Narcissistic Boss

You walk into the office on a Monday morning, where your boss is crowing about your branch’s recent achievement. You know you can’t say anything about how you played an instrumental role in that success—that would send your boss into a fit of wrath and...

2 Types of People that Narcissists Cannot Tolerate

Hello Slayers and welcome back, today, we're going to delve into the topic of how to negotiate with a narcissist and win. It's all about understanding the two types of people that narcissists just cannot tolerate. So I'm Rebecca Zung, your resident high-conflict...

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