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Become a Narcissist’s Worst Nightmare

Become a Narcissist's Worst Nightmare by Rebecca Zung

If you have been dealing with a narcissist who has been making your life a living hell, you may be wondering if it’s possible to turn the tables and become their worst nightmare. It absolutely is possible. Although you probably are wanting to get revenge on that narcissist, I highly recommend that you use these tips as part of an overall strategy that will ultimately help you to get out of the relationship all together. 

Hit them where it hurts.

Where is that for a narcissist? It’s all about their supply source. Remember that narcissists live on supply. It is their oxygen, their food, their lifeblood. Supply is anything that feeds their ego. They can get supply from the normal things that we think of that feed people’s egos such as having a prestigious job, lots of money, a fancy car, a big house, the right wife, the right husband, etc. What most people don’t realize is that narcissists also get supply from jerking people around and from devaluing others. 

To become a narcissist’s worst nightmare, you must first figure out what the narcissist in your life gets supply from. Most of the time, a narcissist’s supply will be wrapped up in how they look to the community and how they look to the people in their life that they respect or need validation from. It could be the judge or divorce in a court setting or people on their board in a business setting. Figure out who these people are and what supply is the most important to the narcissist. Once you have this figured out, your goal will be to interrupt or threaten to interrupt that supply. Threatening the source of supply is where your leverage point will be. Be very careful to not use this leverage too soon because once it’s gone, it’s gone. It’s better to use the threat of taking away the supply very carefully. 

SLAY your negotiation with a Narcissist

Once you show them that you know what is important to them and how to take it away from them, you will definitely be on your way to becoming the narcissist’s worst nightmare.

Demonstrate their lack of control over something.

Narcissists need to have control over everything in their lives in order to feel at peace. If you find a way to let them know that they’re no longer in control of you or a situation, they will definitely be living their worst nightmare. At this point, you may see the love-bombing and hoovering come back into play. Definitely beware of this. Narcissists will go to any lengths to feel like they are in control. A narcissist will also start blaming others for their lack of control in a situation. They might blame their attorney or even the judge. Figure out what they really want to have control over and then find a way to let them realize that they no longer have the power or control.

Live a happy and successful life without them

Living a happy and successful life without the narcissist is going to be the best way to become a narcissist’s worst nightmare. Because they derive all of their value from the outside, seeing you living your life without them and being happy without them will make them absolutely miserable. Moving on and completely erasing them from your life and from your brain will be the key to becoming a narcissist’s worst nightmare once you have threatened their supply and demonstrated their lack of control and power. The best part about this one is that you are able to actually live your life successfully without the damage, abuse, and pain that comes with being in a relationship with a narcissist

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