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6 Signs a Narcissist Will Break

If you’ve ever been a victim of narcissistic abuse, then you know the heartache and betrayal that come when someone you trust breaks your trust. Narcissists often break promises and relationships for their own selfish needs and desires, leaving their victims feeling confused and powerless. Knowing the signs that a narcissist could be planning to break can help prepare those who are in relationships with them so they don’t repeat hurtful behavior or experience undue suffering in the process. This blog post will discuss 6 common signs that can warn you when a narcissist is likely to break away emotionally or physically from the relationship.

Sign #1. Passing Swipes on You. This sneaky but destructive method can be best described as ‘Clean Hands’, when the narcissist takes covert passing swipes at your character or integrity in an underhanded way. They will break you little-by-little and no one else needs to know – so watch out!

Sign #2. Gaslighting. Gaslighting is a term used to describe a manipulation tactic that is often used by narcissistic individuals to exert power and control over their victims. It involves making the victim doubt their own reality, memory, and perceptions by providing false information, misrepresenting facts, and contradicting what they previously said. It’s a destructive behavior that can leave long-lasting effects on the victim, leaving them feeling broken and powerless. It’s important to recognize the signs of gaslighting and seek help from a trusted professional.

Sign #3. Passive Aggression. Narcissists are known to use passive aggression as a subtle yet incredibly damaging way to break you down emotionally. This manipulative tactic can leave a victim feeling confused, frustrated, and unsupported. Passive aggression can take many forms such as backhanded compliments and even making subtle digs at a victim’s self-confidence. It is important to recognize and confront this behavior early on to prevent further damage to your mental health.

Sign #4. Silent Treatment. Narcissists are often known for their use of the silent treatment as a form of emotional manipulation. This toxic behavior can be incredibly damaging to those on the receiving end, as the narcissist intentionally withholds communication and attention, causing their victim to feel neglected, isolated, and rejected. The silence can last for hours, days, or even weeks, leaving the victim feeling helpless and uncertain about what they have done to deserve such treatment. When dealing with a narcissist, it’s essential to remember that the silent treatment is a deliberate tactic used to destabilize and control others, and it’s crucial to set healthy boundaries to ensure that you don’t fall prey to their manipulation.

Sign #5. Attack and Play Victim. A narcissist’s tactics to break you down can be incredibly manipulative. One such tactic involves attacking and then playing the victim. The narcissist will belittle, criticize, and blame you for everything that goes wrong, damaging your confidence and sense of self-worth. When you do inevitably react emotionally, the narcissist will deny any wrongdoing and claim that you are overreacting or being too sensitive. This leaves you feeling confused and blaming yourself for the conflict. The narcissist uses this cycle to keep you off balance and in a constant state of self-doubt, ensuring their power and control over you. It’s crucial to recognize these behaviors early.

Sign #6. Guilt Trip. When dealing with a narcissist, be aware of their use of guilt trips as a tool of manipulation. They may prey on your emotions and make you feel guilty for not meeting their demands, even if those demands are unreasonable or selfish. This can leave you feeling drained, helpless, and trapped in a cycle of guilt and shame. It’s important to not allow yourself to be manipulated by their guilt trips.

Remember, a narcissist’s behavior is not your fault, and you deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. By recognizing their tactics and standing up for yourself, you can break free from their control and begin to heal.

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